Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Flat Stanley Takes a Trip

My niece recently sent a Flat Stanley to me to show around town. Everyone in her class was sending the Stanley they had drawn to someone who would show Stanley around town, take pictures with him and send him back with a note about his travels.

Now, we would like to see what other cool places Stanley can go! So, we are sending out a snail mail Stanley to see where he goes as well as an Email Stanley.
Here is how it works:
  • Once Stanley arrives (via snail mail, email, or you can download Stanley here) cut him out.
  • Take a picture of Stanley somewhere that characterizes your town or of something interesting that you do.
  • Email the picture to travellingStan@aol.com .
  • We will post his travels on this site: http://whereisflatstanley.blogspot.com/.
  • Then, Send Stanley on to someone else who lives in an interesting location (and who will actually follow through with this project.
  • Then just sit back and enjoy Stanley's journey!


Unknown said...

I have a Flat Stanley from my neice. Many of his travels are too personal to post on the web, but I'm working on blogging about him on our pioneering project:


More pages coming soon!

3boysmom said...

I love this idea! You are so clever! Jake's Flat Stanley traveled around NC...maybe we could add his journey's!! Sounds like fun, send him our way!!